Yorkshire 3 Peaks Completed!

Steve, Mark, James M, James D & Rich set off in the early hours of Friday morning 16th September hoping to complete the Yorkshire 3 Peaks challenge in under 12 hours for #ThisIsLuke.

Left to Right- James D, James M, Mark, Rich & Steve setting off from Horton-in Ribblesdale.

Fully kitted out, morale was high as we set off from Horton-in-Ribblesdale in fine conditions with a predicted clear weather day ahead. The team could not have asked for better.

Starting out towards Ingleborough (2372ft), then onto Whernside (2415ft) and finishing on Pen-y-ghent (2277ft), allowed for a good pace to be set from the get-go.  The climbs became tougher as the day went on and morale remained high throughout the day. The views were spectacular from each trig point making our combined efforts worthwhile. An obligatory team picture at each one, then onto the next.

Once we arrived at Pen-y-ghent, we could see the pub from the trig point so didn’t hang about before making our descent. 

Sore legs, aching knees, blisters and fatigue kicked in very quickly, all offset by a cold pint in the Golden Lion. We headed back to Steves for a curry and a debrief (read: beer) and took our tired legs home.

We completed the walk in 9 hours and 55 minutes, climbed 5400ft, and have raised £3,997.00 for our nominated charity #ThisIsLuke. Having set out to raise £1250 initially, we are absolutely delighted by the amount raised.

A huge thank you to everyone who sponsored the team. You really have made a difference to the life of an inspiring young man.

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